

This blog is collection of my ideas, opinions, and contributions in the field of community development, human rights, social justice, and sustainable development planning. Research and development in the field of inclusive, just, fair, and sustainable development is my passion. Currently, I am doing research on sustainable and resilient territorial development through citizen’s science-policy-practice perspective.  

By training, I am a civil engineer, social development professional and regional development planner active in the area of community development, research and advocacy related to participatory, inclusive, just and resilient territorial planning and management. With more than more than sixteen years of experience in human rights-based community development, facilitating local development planning, strategic leadership and change management, policy research and advocacy related to education, WASH, disaster risks reduction and climate change adaptation. I have been advocating citizens’ science-policy-practice perspective, adoption of multi-stakeholders’ processes and facilitation of participatory processes in the design, development and implementation of policies and programs. I am committed in sowing the seeds of transformative changes through academic and development dialogues in actively raising voices, sharing opinions and visions as an active civil society member.

I am eagerly waiting to exchange ideas for learning and sharing. Ideas are welcome. Please feel free to write me. 


Madhab Raj Neupane



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