
Showing posts from 2021

जन्मदिन !!!

 जन्मदिन !!! गन्तव्य कता हो कता देखिएकै छैन, तर पनि यात्राको गोरेटोमा आज फेरि थप एक पाइलो अगाडि सर् ‍ यो ! वसन्तको हरियाली देखि शिशिरको पतझर सम्म पालैपालो घुमिरहने याम हो जीवनको जङ्गल, च्याउ उम्रीएको बूढो रुखमा आजै एउटा नयाँ पालुवा पलायो ! संघर्ष नै जीवन या भनौं जीवन नै संघर्ष जहाँ पाइला पाइलामा सयौं चुनौती आइरहन्छन् ! नटुङ्गिने विरानो यात्रामा हिडेपछि अलिकती नयाँ बाटो आफैले कोतर्नु नै पर्ने, अलिकती आफ्नो आफैले औजार तिखार्नु नै पर्ने, अलिकती 'सामल र पानी' को जोहो गर्नु नै पर्ने ! एकछिन दौड्यो, एकछिन थकाई मार् ‍ यो, फेरि एकछिनपछि लुखुरलुखुर हिड्नु नै पर्ने ! मनमा एकातिर चन्द्रमा छुने चाह, अर्कोतिर धरतीको धुलो बनेको आह ! जहाँ जे भए पनि, जहाँ जे बने पनि, आमाको काख जति अरु केही नहुने ! जन्मेको धरती सरि अरु केहीले नछुने ! यस्सै भनेनन् होला 'जननी जन्मभुमिश्च स्वर्गादपी गरियसी' ! विहानै चिसो सिरेटोले कान सेक्दै बाबाले बोलाएको मीठो आवाज ल्याईपुर् ‍ यायो, 'बाबु कति सुत्छौ अझै? अब त उठ्न पर् ‍ यो'! आमाले टाउको मुसार्दै गर्दाको न्यानो स्पर्शले झसङ्ग ब्युझिएर हेर्दा भित्ताब

आमा !!!

 आमा !!! दिन दिनै सपनीमा, हजुरकै छाया आउंछ ! मनभरी मुटुभरी, हजुरकै याद आउंछ !! पोहोर परार अस्ति सम्म, हेर्दै सुन्दै कुरो हुन्थ्यो ! यसपाली त त्यो बोलीको, आवाज मात्रै कानमा आउंछ !! जताततै खुशीयाली, उमङ्ग छाएको बेला ! आफ्नो घर आकास धरती, मनले सदा रित्तो पाउंछ !! हजुरकै माया सद्भाव, हजुरकै आशिर्वाद छ ! हजुरकै अभावमा, घनघोर अन्धकार छाउंछ !! एकातिर छन् यादहरु, अर्कोतिर पीडाहरु ! हजुरकै सपनाले बरु, दियोले झैं बाटो लाउंछ !! दिन दिनै सपनीमा, हजुरकै छाया आउंछ ! मनभरी मुटुभरी, हजुरकै याद आउंछ !! जहां हजुर त्यही हामी, बस्न पाए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो ? पर्खाइका यी पीडा मेट्ने, मलम खोजे कहां पाउंछ ??

Transforming Inequalities: Role of Civil Society as a Knowledge Society

  Transforming Inequalities: Role of Civil Society as a Knowledge Society Context A report published by Oxfam, SAPEE and HAMI in Nepal in 2019 clearly illustrates the severity of inequality in Nepalese society. The report disclosed that the income of the richest 10% of Nepalese is more than 3 times that of the poorest 40%. Of course, this is not only the single area where inequality exists, but there are also various categories of inequalities in the current Nepalese society. The people at the bottom face severe additional burdens and lagged whereas well-off people would be always ahead. Thus, those in poverty will remain in poverty even for longer time unless something is done to tackle this social injustice (Mayabi, 2014).   ‘Fighting Inequality’ has become very popular among Nepalese civil society and many civil society organizations are working to reduce those inequalities of current times. Majority of the civil society organization (primarily NGOs), are engaged in organizing a

Spatial Planning Practices in Nepal – A Rural and Regional Perspective

  Spatial Planning Practices in Nepal – A Rural and Regional Perspectiv e ABSTRACT Planned development in Nepal is a recent phenomenon and may be traced to the beginning of Second World War. The concept of regional planning began during Party-less Panchayat system after the abolishment of autocratic Rana family regime. Although the initiatives for decentralization and regional administrative divisions of the country were in focus, the planning practices were primarily centralized, rural development based, focused on isolated sectors and spatially neutral. With restoration of democracy in 1990s, the planning practices of Nepal adopted decentralized, participatory, and bottom-up approaches with priority on spatially balanced development agenda adopting rural and regional development strategy. However, due to highly unstable governments and political movements, the implementation of those plans was not effective. With promulgation of federal constitution in 2015, the country adopted three